Book Club
Education Retirees Association of Ottawa
Interested in joining our book club?

The ERAO Book Club meets the last Monday of the month from September through November, and January through May, in the club room (102) at the Confederation Education Centre, 1645 Woodroffe Avenue, Nepean, beginning at 1pm.
New members are always welcome. Please contact Heather:

Between 1:00 and 1:30 p.m. there is a social time for lunch, coffee, or snacks, whichever you wish to bring, and free time to chat about books you are reading or other topics of interest. The actual book presentation and discussion begins at 1:30 p.m. This arrangement was made to make it easier to find parking spots behind the school when there are workshops being held. Members come according to the time that suits their schedule.
A luncheon meeting takes place in mid-June to top off the year and decide on book selections for the following year. Chosen books are informative, intriguing, sometimes touching, sometimes funny, and generally very entertaining.
Our book discussions tend to be helpful and informative thanks to a terrific group of people prepared to share so many interesting points of view. New members and their partners are always welcome.