Camera Club

Education Retirees Association of Ottawa

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Our regular meetings are held both in-person and via ZOOM on the first Thursday of each month in Room 102 at the Confederation Education Centre. Visit this page regularly for details and watch for email notifications.

Our next meeting will be on Thursday, April 3rd at 10:30am, live in room 102 at Confed and on Zoom. The slide show theme is "End of Winter." Let's hope we all get plenty of opportunities to capture that!

New members and new ideas are always welcome; please feel free to join us. Please contact Richard:

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The Camera Club is an exciting ongoing activity for ERAO members. We are "amateur" photographers, rather than experts or "professionals". We are looking for ideas and techniques we can learn from others. 

Meetings, in Room 102 at the Confederation Education Centre, usually on the first Thursday of each month from September to June, have included:

• sharing and discussing the merits of members' own photos
• presentations by members
• guest speakers on various aspects of photography. 

We also arrange photo-shooting excursions once or twice a year.

Equipment ranges from quite expensive and versatile cameras, to point-and-shoot and cameras in phones and tablets. Everyone is welcome, regardless of experience. In this club, it is the picture itself - the content, the composition, the lighting - that is important, and much less so the camera used to take the photo. Since phones, tablets and point and shoot cameras usually accompany the owner everywhere, they often benefit from being in the right place at the right time. It's no surprise that many interesting and serendipitous photos are captured by these devices in the hands of alert photographers.

All ERAO members and partners are welcome to attend any meeting, to participate, to contribute or just to observe. Watch this space for notices of our meetings (possible date and time changes) and other activities. 
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